Monday, August 18, 2014

iPad "Posts" App

Okay, since it seems that our internet connection got some issues everytime I'm using my desktop computer. I somewhat look for an alternative way to blog just using the iPad mini. Well, it seems that blogging through iPad is a bit of a hassle. (-___-)

But still, I won't give up! :lol:

So then, I look for an applicable FREE app that can satisfy my needs. So then, I was able to locate these two apps namely the official Blogger apple app and the Posts apple app by Pico.

I was attracted first with the Posts app, but it seems I can't get pass through it. :(

That's when I tried the official Blogger app. But it seems it does not satisfy my needs. Just a bit disappointed with it. So I kinda just abandon it. Here's a quick preview on how the Blogger app looks like.

Still a bit desperate on grabbing the Posts app, especially after reading some reviews on it, I was kinda like "what am I suppose to do with you for you to work!!!" reaction. I even came to the point of sending a support e-mail to the app developer Pico. But to no avail, I receive no reply. (T_T) Even tried googling it as to how I can solve such an issue. Throughout, I only found ONE comment that kinda experiencing what I'm having (am I really that unfortunate??? Dx). To top that, there was no solution given on that ONE and only comment that is experiencing the same issue I got. So then, I give up!!! Gah! Dx

Until just today, when I was typing my previous post, I found this notice from Google through my YouTube page that there was an unfamiliar activity going on in my account!!! (Nooooo!) So then, I rush on checking it out. Thus, I landed on the recent activity page of my account and I found these!!!

Then I remembered trying to log-on using the Posts app (again). So I figured, maybe, this is the culprit as to why I was not able to properly login through the Posts app. Made some configuration, and voila!!! :D It's working!!! :D

So for those that is currently having the same dilemma, here's a quick fix to your problem. :) Just a bit of a disclaimer, whatever happens to your account is not my responsibility. Do it at your own discretion.

  1. Go to your Google account settings.
    1. Go to
    2. Sign in to your account
    3. Click your username icon (A), then click the "Account" link (B)
  2. Go to the Security tab (C) and click the Settings (D) for "Access for less secure apps"
  3. Enable (E) it and click Done (F)
  4. Now access your blogspot account through the Posts app.
  5. Enjoy your Posts app! :D

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