Friday, August 29, 2014

Love Live! [ラブライブ!] School Idol Festival - The Seven Mysteries of Otonoki [オトノキ七不思議。] PART 3-5 [JAP]

School Idol Diary: Maki Nishikino [西木野 真姫]
Part 1 - YouTube ; Blogspot
Part 2 - YouTube ; Blogspot
Event Info: [source:]
Event Name: オトノキ七不思議。
Event Name (Romaji): Otonoki Nana Fushigi
Event Name (English): The Seven Mysteries of Otonoki
Event Period: August 20, 2014, 4PM JST - August 31, 2014, 3PM JST
Event Live: Daring!!
Main Event Prize: SR Maki
Part 3
Chapter 3 - Unlocked at 2,000 points
Maki: Hey, Nico-chan, you're still in there, right? ...Don't you dare run off by yourself, okay!?
Nico: I'm here, I'm here ~nico ♪ I mean, if I'm in a stall and you're at the exit, there's no way you wouldn't see me leaving ~nico!
Maki: Th-That's true... But since I'm waiting by the sink... Ah, ahhhhhhhh!
Nico: W-What is it ~nico!?
Maki: I-I thought it was a ghost... but it was my reflection in the mirror...
Nico: Maki-chan... you get scared too easily ~nico. Calm down a bit.
Maki: ...
Maki: Come on, Nico-chan. Can't you hurry up...
Nico: Jeez! You're too impatient ~nico! Don't rush me so much, it's annoying ~nico!
Maki: S-Sorry.
Maki: But, um... Nico-chan?
Nico: Can't you just wait a little longer!?
Maki: Okay...
Part 4
Chapter 4 - Unlocked at 6,000 points
Maki: (Ahh, but what should I do?)
Maki: (Waiting here like this is making me more and more scared... I don't believe in Nozomi-chan's seven mysteries, but then it's not like I totally don't believe in them, but...)
Maki: ...Huh?
Maki: I can... hear something.
Maki: (It's coming from the music room...? It's the sound of a piano... It's clear like Satie, but somewhat unsettling...)
Maki: (Oh no, this is bad... It's the third mystery that Nozomi-chan was talking about.)
Maki: (A female ghost appears at night and plays the piano in the music room. If you're drawn in by the notes and you make eye contact with her, then within a week you'll...)
Maki: Kyaaaaaaaaaaa!
Maki: Kyaaa! No, this is stupid, I hate this! Mama, Papa... someone save me!!
Maki: (I hate ghosts...!)
Maki: (I ran, and ran, and ran while crying.)
Maki: (...Oh. That was when I realized I'd left the school building and was now in the middle of the schoolyard.)
Maki: (What should I do? I left Nico-chan behind...)
Part 5
Chapter 5 - Unlocked at 11,000 points
Maki: (My fear of ghosts has reached its peak... but leaving Nico-chan there makes me even more scared.)
Maki: This won't do. I have to go back inside!
Maki: Nico-chan, where are you? I'm sorry, Nico-chan... please tell me you haven't been eaten by the ghost...!
Maki: (I spot Nico-chan standing by the entrance, both cheeks wet with tears...)
Maki: I'm so sorry! Are you okay, Nico-chan... are you crying?
Nico: Waaaaaaaahh!!! How could you leave me alone in such a scary place~!?!
Maki: I really am sorry! I thought I heard the sound of a piano, and you didn't really seem that scared of ghosts, so...
Nico: What!? I'm not scared when I'm with you, but it's a different story when I'm alone!!!
Maki: Nico-chan...
Nico: Jeez, I fell and scraped my knee, so now it hurts and I can't walk.
Maki: Shall we go home together then?
Nico: Give me your hand.
Maki: Sure.
Maki: (Nico-chan is still teary-eyed, so I hold her hand tightly--so that we'll never, ever be separated.)
Maki: (We walk like that the entire way back on the night path.)
Maki: (Nico-chan looks just like an elementary school kid when she's crying, and somehow, looking at her makes my fear of ghosts and the school building at night disappear completely...)
Maki: (Is today one of my own seven mysteries? ♡ Nico-chan was right, it's a different story depending on if you're together or alone.)

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