( ̄▽ ̄) Thankfully the score matches ended quite well for me.
Let's start off with Kotori's event.

While this event is ongoing, I had a bit of connection problem in SIF-JAP. Though, thankfully I'm not aiming for anything in this event except for just grabbing that SR Kotori from the completion reward. As the event is nearing its end, I checked the rankings and well, I'm not that far in placing for the Tier-3. I'm quite happy as to where I ended. (⌒▽⌒)

So in total, here's what I got.

Now, unto MakiNico's event. (・ω・)ノ

Since I failed on the previous events on both SIF version due to me falling asleep, I swear that it's not gonna happen again. ( ̄^ ̄)ゞ Though sadly, I still did fell asleep. (ノ_<) Since both events are themed for the New Year's, I assumed that Kotori's for the incoming Year of the Sheep and Nico's for the Year of the Horse. Well, I am one of those "horse" people, so I decided to aim for the tier-2 of the rankings. Because of what happened on the last event, as I've said, I failed because of sleeping (which I also did during this event), I made it sure that I'm on a safe spot for the rankings. o(`ω´ )o And here's the end result.

Aaaaannnnnnnddddd I guess I overdid it. ( ̄▽ ̄)
Eehhh, whatever. I got what I wanted anyway.
So in total, here's what I got.

And of course, the main goal! :D
Cowgirl Nico to the rescue! o(`ω´ )o

And yes. Despite of landing on the 389th spot (tier-1 is around 90k points, so that's a bit out of my reach already ( ̄▽ ̄)), it's still within my budget of 30 love gems.